Building Games With Godot 4 and Other Free Software

Building Games With Godot 4 and Other Free Software
Using several open source tools for game development, video editing, and image manipulation to bring a small demo to life. These tools include Godot 4, Blender, Krita, Laigter, OBS, Lossless-Cut, and GIMP. We will provide an overview of each tool’s features and give tips on how to use them effectively. Whether you are a beginner or experienced creator, these tools offer a range of functionality to bring your ideas to life.
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Alma Linux and Cockpit: A Perfect Match

Alma Linux and Cockpit: A Perfect Match
Cockpit is a free, open-source web-based server manager that allows easy management of server through your web browser. In this article I detail the quick process of installing Cockpit as a plugin for AlmaLinux, a community-driven, free enterprise-grade distro of RHEL.
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